How to Relieve Stress in 7 Minutes


stressed, stress out, anxiety, depression, depressed

How to Relieve Stress in 7 Minutes

Have you ever considered what happens when you're feeling stressed?

It tends to show on your face and your posture and can have an impact on many aspects of your life.

In this modern age, stress is the norm.

Stress eats away at our health and happiness, drains us of motivation, and overtakes our relationships.

Stress out

We've all been there: you're sitting at your desk, and suddenly you feel like the walls are closing in.

You start to sweat, your heart is racing, and all you want to do is run out of the office and down the street screaming.

You're not alone.

Millions of people suffer from stress every day, which can lead to a wide range of health issues—including heart disease, depression, and anxiety.

Luckily, you don't have to be a slave to stress for the rest of your life.

In fact, you can beat stress in just 7 minutes.

Ways to relieve stress

If you've never heard of meditation, then it's time.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress.

In fact, if you meditate for a few minutes a day, you will be happier, more relaxed, and less stressed out.

You're going to need to be sitting down for this because it's going to blow your mind: You can relieve stress in 7 minutes.

And you don't have to do anything fancy—just follow the steps below and you'll be feeling calm and relaxed in no time.

But first, find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for at least 10 minutes, turn off any noise-making devices (phones, alarms), sit down comfortably with your back straight, and close your eyes.

Step 1: Relax Your Body

You know those times when you're so stressed out that your shoulders are tight, or your jaw is clenched?

Well, it's time to relax them.

The next time you notice yourself feeling stressed, stop what you’re doing for a moment.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through pursed lips.

Repeat this process 10 times.

Step 2: Focus on Your Breathing

Now that you've calmed down some of those tense muscles in your body, it's time to focus on breathing deeply from the bottom of your lungs.

Take a deep breath in through your nose and fill up as much air as possible before slowly exhaling through pursed lips.

Let each breath be a little slower than the one before it.

Repeat this process 10 times as well!

Step 3: Visualize Away Stressful Scenes

Close your eyes and picture yourself in a place where you feel calm and peaceful.

If you can't think of anything specific, imagine sitting on a beach, walking through the woods, or lying in bed at night.

Try to make the scene as vivid as possible.

If you're imagining yourself on a beach, see the sand and feel the sun on your skin.

If you're imagining yourself walking through the woods, see the trees and hear the birds chirping.

The goal of this exercise is to create an environment that will help you relax so that all of your senses are engaged in the experience.

Imagine yourself there while continue taking slow, deep breaths through your nose and out through your mouth until the image fades away.

stressed, stress out, depressed, depression, anxiety, meditation, health, mental


The first step is to identify your stressors.

Are you worried about an upcoming exam? Is your boss constantly on your back? Do you have too many responsibilities? These are all things that can cause stress.

Once you've identified your stressors, it's time to start thinking of ways to relieve them.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place where you feel at peace.

The point is that it should be an image that makes you feel relaxed and happy.

Now think about what's causing your stress and ask yourself if there is anything you can do about it right now.

If the answer is no, don't worry — just let it go and move on to the next step.

If there is something you can do to take care of the situation, do it right away.

If not, write down what needs to be done so that you remember when the right moment comes up to take care of it.

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  1. Tried it for a few days, I feel a little bit more relaxed and calm down especially when I'm overwhelmed at work. You should write and share more about these stuffs often! ❤
