New day new stress


Oh nooo.. not again

No one knows what will happen next week.

The financial stock market is not stable and you're not sure of your earnings next month! Next year!

Your kids need a free lunch and free breakfast everyday, your parents are in the nursing home and it doesn't even cover the cost.

If you lose your job, there's no severance package to help you out; because healthcare benefits are based on how much you make, so now people are finding their life-long insurance is worthless.

Stress is real! It hurts families, relationships, and mental health.

We live in a stressful world, from traffic to finances to family, stress can be found everywhere.

Being a young adult in today's society isn't easy. Between college, work, and your social life, there isn't time to take care of yourself.

Living in this fast paced world, most of us have no time to relax and unwind.

The number of people suffering from stress is increasing and the number of individuals seeking medical help has skyrocketed as we never take time off and become more stressed everyday.

Having stress is a good thing?

Some might say that stress is a good thing. It keeps us motivated, focused, and in touch with our surroundings.

But saying that stress is a good thing is actually a yes and no answer.

Stress is a natural response to danger; it's a call to action and can make you more effective in dealing with a problem.

Have you ever enjoyed an overly-accelerated run on a race track? It worked your body hard and activated your endorphins while you ran, of course. That's positive stress.

Like exercise stress, the positive stress of pressure can ramp up your performance in business and in life.

But positive stress is actually a productivity booster: our brains work better when adrenaline is flowing, and we can be more creative, energetic, and motivated.

But, what if it's a stress-stress?

Well, it's no surprise that with all of the pressure in today's world, stress is a widespread problem.

Yes, these days life can be hectic and stressful. Life can suck the joy out of everything when you are stressed, making it difficult to enjoy yourself.

Stress doesn't just make you look old, it can interfere with concentration and memory, produce headaches, irritability and insomnia, and more.

Stress is a health condition that occurs when a person experiences pressure or tension.

Stress can be caused by an overload of demands on the body's capabilities.

It can often cause negative changes in attitude and mood, also physical responses like increased heart rate and irritability.


What's worse?

Something in general that we should know is that stress is an experience that contains all the sensations of anxiety and depression but at a more manageable level.

To have stress means to have pressure, tension, and worry in your life.

To have depression is a state of being sad - the common cold of the mind; it becomes an illness when it starts affecting your everyday living with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

To be anxious is something we all experience; it indicates anticipation, fear, and worry.

In all means, stress goes hand in hand with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Untreated depression is a serious problem. Untreated anxiety is a serious problem.

The unwanted stress, worry, and anxiety that memory loss can cause is debilitating.

When you have Alzheimer's or another dementia, the stress of living with confusion and memory loss can be overwhelming.

It's normal to feel sad and discouraged when you have dementia, but there are other ways to cope besides taking medications with potentially harmful side effects.

motivational quote

Don't be afraid!

If you are feeling more stressed than you should be, perhaps it is time to do something about it.

Stress and depression and anxiety can all cause physical symptoms as well as lead to strained relationships.

But life should not be so hard, no matter how stressful the situation is, and worry is not a solution.

You can't solve other people's problems for them, but you can take the time to listen and learn to become more supportive.

Keep your communication lines open and respect others' feelings. Genuine sincerity is often what is needed to fight stress and bring a smile to everyone's face.

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