What is self love??


Self love and why do we need it?

"Do we have self love?" we often ask ourselves. But do we actually know what self love is before we begin with?

  • Self love is a condition of appreciation for oneself that develops from activities that help our physical, mental and otherworldly development.

  • Self love implies having a high respect for your own prosperity and joy.

  • Self love implies dealing with your own requirements and not forfeiting your prosperity to satisfy others. Confidence implies not agreeing to short of what you merit.

We deserve self love!

We deserve to love and care for ourselves, but be honest. How often do you use that phrase when talking to others? Regardless of whether or not you spend time making yourself a priority, this would make an uplifting gift for anyone heading off on their own adventure in a new city -- or re-finding themselves in their hometown.

So often we are our own worst critic, and when we're not we are comparing ourselves to others. if we believe we deserve love, then why are we so critical of ourselves?

We are all deserving of self love. We deserve it from others, we deserve it for ourselves, and sometimes we need to learn how to give ourselves self love.

Look into the mirror, ask yourself.

We deserve self love is the idea, inspiration and the design and development of this brand.

Do we merit ourselves?

Is there something that makes us think that we are not worthy of love in this life?

We are worth more than we think, that's for sure. Believing in yourself costs nothing. The payoff is enormous and immeasurable. Nobody can put a price on it, yet it is priceless.

Start to practice self love now!

You can begin by learning how to focus on YOU.

Learning to love yourself is a key factor to your happiness and understanding that no one else can give you the exact love and attention that you feel you deserve.

Start with a self-care routine, meditate, or get some exercise with a friend.

Be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey of looking for love within yourself. The world will open up to you when you practice self love..

In conclusion

Self love is a simple concept and something that we should all know what to do, but many of us don't. Learning how to love and care for yourself will change your life!

We deserve self love, the world needs it and so do we. We deserve one another's love because we simply just do, everybody deserves self love!

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  1. Well said and let's not give up hope��������
