5 Things You Only Know If You're An Introvert.

5 Things You Only Know If You're An Introvert.

1. Neither silent nor shy.

Not all introverts are silent, nor are they all shy. 

Showing our true personality traits is just difficult in some situations. 

There's a fine line between being friendly and annoying, or confident and cocky.

2. Being alone is not lonely.

There are many misnomers about being an introvert. 

First and foremost, it does not mean that you dislike people or that people dislike you. 

Introversion is about energy. Extraverts get their energy from the outside world, while introverts get their energy from the inside world.

3. Your alone time is precious.

We need alone time to recharge and get back in sync with our essential selves. 

The world is constantly asking for more of us; our brains need downtime to turn off the constant green “go” response of our sympathetic “fight or flight” nervous system.

4. You're a deep thinker.

You’re a deep thinker. You like to consider things from all angles before you do anything. 

You don’t take risks unless you have to and you’re happiest when your life is quiet and boring. It’s not that much of a problem, except when it comes to talking with people. 

You prefer the company of a good book to most humans.

5. You don't see being an introvert as a bad thing.

You don't see being an introvert as a bad thing. To you, it's who you are. 

You find comfort and happiness in your own company. You enjoy seeing friends, but you also like to take time to yourself. 

Being an introvert isn't something that defines who you are, but it's a part of who you are.

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  1. Spot on👌👌👌 I'm an introvert and this just described me.

    1. Everyone deserves to live in the way they want. That makes us unique!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! I appreciate this a lot! It's not easy but gonna do better and keep going, your comment helps a lot for me to keep moving!
